God will take you by the hand and help to understand the deeper things. Spend time with me on the Regeneration Ministry Radio Station in the Google Play and Android App Store.
Set For Your Success

An up Hill Journey Moving From Faith To Sight
Moving From Faith to Site
God will take you by the hand and help to understand the deeper things. Spend time with me on the Regeneration Ministry Radio Station in the Google Play and Android App Store.
When we think about the awesomeness of God, and all the wonderful things He has done, we can become lost in the place that we stand. Then fall to our knees in deep adoration. God is highly pleased with that, yet He wants us to move closer to Him through our faith in what He has said. Faith is the key to everything you can receive from Him. To admire is one thing, but to be inspired and gravitate higher causes the flames of revival to get in the choir lol. All kidding aside let’s believe the written word of God so that our adoration can take off to a higher level. The world will see God in the now, and turn towards Him, calling on Him with a pure heart.
Mark 9:23
Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
Therefore we share the Gospel night and day, to be helpers of your faith. We are set for your success.
But first we must understand that we follow all,all, all, of the Captain of our Salvation’s Words. To see the accuracy in our faith that our Lord said, we must be selfless, submissive, strategic, ( using the wisdom the Lord gives day by day In every circumstance and situation). Aww,we are on the winning side. Let’s sharpen our sensitivity to His word, going headlong into those passages that he brings to mind. But let’s recklessly abandon embarrassment , so that we can leap forward. Come on, let’s be successful in faith, say, “we not relent.”
Hebrews 11:3 |
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. |
These final hours, men are running into the Kingdom of God from every quarter. The family of God is being increased exponentially. Yet, there is still room in the Kingdom for more. Please, if you have not as yet given your heart to Jesus, right now is the best time to do so. Why not start the New Year Off Right? For those who do, there is no end, to your life on this side or the other.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself that where I am, the ye may be also John 14:3
Don’t forget the Healing Seminar on Regeneration Ministry Radio, it will do you good
This weekend, tune In and be Blessed
In the Google Play Store and the Android App Store
Happy Thanksgiving
May This Season cause you to reflect on the God of our Salvation. Ohhh we are sooo thankful that He didn’t leave us in Sins dark sway. Nor did he turn His back on us and just walk away. He aggressively previsioned and sent us His Son, so that all could have a right to the tree of life, receiving Jesus as Lord, who is eternally to be Adored. Ohh we thank the Son who delivered us from the power of darkness, and it’s ability to thrust into destruction. (Hell is a real place you know). And Oh how we give thanks to the Son who gave us His Spirit: His Holy Spirit, to move in and amongst us. To reveal the Father and His perfect will. We are so thankful for His comforting. encouraging strengthening, preserving, prospering power. Life on this earth has been, with the aide of God, satisfying and filled with wonder and adventure. For these things we are Thankful.
By the way, if you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life, do it right now. He will come in and bless you from the inside out, then you can enjoy your families as you should
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Happy Thanksgiving
May This Season cause you to reflect on the God of our Salvation. Ohhh we are sooo thankful that He didn’t leave us in Sins dark sway. Nor did he turn His back on us and just walk away. He aggressively previsioned and sent us His Son, so that all could have a right to the tree of life, receiving Jesus as Lord, who is eternally to be Adored. Ohh we thank the Son who delivered us from the power of darkness, and it’s ability to thrust into destruction. (Hell is a real place you know). And Oh how we give thanks to the Son who gave us His Spirit: His Holy Spirit, to move in and amongst us. To reveal the Father and His perfect will. We are so thankful for His comforting. encouraging strengthening, preserving, prospering power. Life on this earth has been, with the aide of God, satisfying and filled with wonder and adventure. For these things we are Thankful.
By the way, if you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life, do it right now. He will come in and bless you from the inside out, then you can enjoy your families as you should
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.
A house is as secure as it’s owners. Filled with goods. Possibly treasures stored up from generations past, men and women have prided themselves with their Luxurious bounties for centuries on end. However if the owners for whatever reason, become feeble mentally and begin leaving the doors open, a thief can spoil their goods and leave them with nothing. This becomes a sad state of affairs because the owners are now destitute in more ways than one. There is a parallel process that can begin, that is somewhat similar to this one with the Christian: The house in this case being compared to the spirit, soul, and body. The Christian who was once enlightened, ( having received knowledge of the revelation of Jesus as Christ and excepted him as that good treasure into their hearts). Also, the one who has been filled to overflowing with the bountiful power of the Holy Ghost, who prospers the soul, while they daily partake of the richness of the Good Word of God. Then further, having the scepter extended by God in handling Kingdom affairs with power, through His luxurious treasury provided to them directly; If This Christian or these Christians become feeble in mind by leaving the door open to external forces, that God commanded them not to listen to, their goods will be spoiled as well, and they stand in a greater jeopardy of not only becoming destitute and feeble minded, but may suffer loss on every level. Shut the door to the voice of reason, that contradicts the law of God’s word which is the law of Love. (Casting down imaginations and every high thing that Exults it self against the knowledge of God, And bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2 Corinthians 10:5). Love refuses treasonous philosophy.
Hebrews 6:4-6
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
God’s correction can remove when it’s righteously invoked however, putting Christ to an open shame occurs when one DESPISES his brother and would seek his destruction, ( His brother who also has Christ within)
You have to come to the realization that God is greater than any storm that can come up against you. But consider this in the days of Noah, only one man and his family chose to follow the Lord wholly. When the wicked one came around, everyone decided to go with the grain that was sown by Satan and lost everything. Consider this also, the scriptures were broad and general until God found one man that was willing to follow him by the name of Abram whom God changed his name to Abraham. Then from that point in scripture, God’s dealings with men, stemmed from the covenant of this one man, (who believed God and followed him against all hope). Also consider that when the children of Israel would have passed into the promise land, only two men Joshua and Caleb remained loyal to follow God wholly. That whole company that was above the age of twenty rebelled and lost everything. Jesus Himself said in
Luke 13: 24 :
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. ( He has many children but not many willing to develop their faith)
But seek to understand why Jesus said to his disciples in Why are you so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith? Mark 4:40
Speaking of Abraham:
Romans 4:16
16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all, 17 ( As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. 18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. 19 And being NOT WEAK IN FAITH, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb: 20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
Be Willing to Let God help you develop your faith even against Hope.
Boy! I think of David and his mighty men. How they were actually shielded from death in the midst of battles with tremendous odds against them. God in the Old Testament coming down on their flesh through the power of His Holy Spirit, giving them victory after victory after victory. They were operating in the strength of the Lord.
2 Samuel 23:8-39. It’s like reading after Superman.
We’re we not told to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might? Let’s look at this for a minute. The Holy Spirit came upon them in the Old Testament, but the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of us in the New Testament. Something is not right. There should be an increase of the God kind of ability not a diminishing. That’s why you’ve gotta meditate in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Would God treat his servants better than He treats His Own, New Born, Blood Bought, Spirit Filled, Access to the archives of Both Covenants, Children? Absolutely not! It’s not just David’s mighty Men, It’s Jesus’ Mighty Women, and Men. It’s time to meditate on the scriptures. The Apostle Paul was attempting to bring this to the early churches’ attention. For he said that through Faith we understand that the world’s were framed by the word of God. God put that same Faith on the inside of us. He then goes on to say what was accomplished by Faith and what could be done for us seeing we have a better Covenant established on better promises.
Look at what he sited: Hebrews 11: 32-35
32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.
34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
35 Women received their dead raised to life again….
When you read further, it said some did not “ACCEPT DELIVERANCE”, that means God OFFERED IT TO THEM.
Come on now, things are winding up. Don’t sell yourself short of what God has offered.
Here are Jesus’ own words:
Luke 10:18-19
17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.