What is in season at this time? Many of us love to see the latest fashions and wear them, so that we aren’t arrested by the fashion police. Lol! ( lol means laugh out loud to those of other cultures). I heard that term when my girls were in school. Staying cautious to keep up with the lasted trends, brings us under the pressure to peers. “Well, people are not doing that anymore you must get with the trends of the times.” That would be okay if God had that center up in Kingdom Principals. Much to the contrary, God has stated, He is the Lord, and He changes not Malachi 3:6. So we that are vitally connected to God and His Kingdom, must never deviate from the life of faith. For the just have their lives sustain by faith. Habakkuk 2:4, Rom. 1:17, Hebrews 10:38. We are to walk by faith and not by sight. We start with a measure Rom. 12:3, but it must increase and be developed, so that we can truly imitate God as dear children Eph. 5:1. Yes, it’s lovely to walk by faith. So, faith for a season! No, it’s a lifetime venture.