My dear brothers and sisters I love you dearly as you know, but listen to this admonition please. It will save you much loss. As long as the devil can keep you in the Arena of reason he will whip you in every combat and every battle.
But if you will hold him in the arena of faith, you will defeat him in every combat and every battle.
You can never rise above the level of your confession.
The moment you say that you can’t, doubt will rise up like a giant and bind you.
But if you set your sights on what God says you are, ( and hold it there, not letting go in the contradicting circumstances of life.) You will rise to the level of what God has already said about you.
If your in a area of hesitation, unsure, unsettled, skepticism, then the devil will knock you over.
Determine to have a bulldog tenacity where the word of God is concerned. Take each promise literally, putting it into your heart, day after day night after night speaking that word down into your heart like he told Joshua knowing this:
The eyes of the Lord run to and fro, throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on the behalf of those who heart is perfect toward him. 2 Chronicles 16:9
So when Satan challenges the message of healing, the message of deliverance, the message of God’s provision in your life. You use up and meet the devil with “ it is written “ and run him off your property, out of your flesh, out of your relationships.
The Bible says submit yourself therefore unto God, (you do that by submitting to his word) resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
Flee means to run from as in terror. This makes you dangerous where he is concerned, so definitely stay with it so you can defeat him continually.